About FISU Healthy Campus

Healthy Campus Standard
The FISU Healthy Campus programme is an initiative aiming to enhance students’ and the campus community’s well-being in all aspects.
The FISU Healthy Campus platform provides universities worldwide with systematic guidelines and tool kits to ensure the well-being and healthy lifestyle of their students. Universities and stakeholders can benefit from an international network for shared knowledge and best practices. When a university registers on the FISU Healthy Campus digital platform, they receive a carefully crafted set of guidelines and a tool kit for implementation of the project.

Healthy Campus Certified
Based on 100 criteria developed by leading global experts, universities will be evaluated across seven domains: Physical Activity and Sport; Nutrition; Disease Prevention; Mental & Social Health; Risk Behaviour; Environment, Sustainability & Social Responsibility; and Management of Healthy Campus.
FISU Healthy Campus rewards universities that encourage a healthy way of life on their campuses. Those that promote healthy living for their students and all the campus community receive a select label, based on the evaluation of those 100 criteria.

Spread across seven domains
A new and exciting global initiative launched by FISU for universities, the FISU Healthy Campus Label embeds health and well-being into all aspects of campus culture, improving student lifestyle.
- Physical activity and sport
- Nutrition
- Disease prevention
- Mental and social health
- Risk behaviour
- Environment, sustainability and social responsibility
- Healthy Campus Management

Healthy Campus 9-step process
- Starting Blocks - Registry on the FISU Healthy Campus platform
- 9 months - University submits a self assessment
- 10 months - University receives first report evaluation
- 11 months - University submits revised assessment
- 1 year - At the end of the first year, university receives certified label
- 1 year 9 months - External audit of university
- 1 year 10 months - University receives report evaluation
- 1 year 11 months - University submits revised reports
- 2 years - Cycle of Healthy Campus label: bronze, silver, gold or platinum certified label

The certification process fees are as follow for the first 2 years cycle
- € 1,000 first year, self evaluation and certification
- € 3,000 2nd year, auditory and labeling
See what is included in your exclusive program access:
- FISU Healthy Campus Platform and standard document
- Consulting good practices
- Certification process technical support and monitoring
- An online training session (Healthy Campus and Auditors Programme)
- Annual self-assessment report (first year of each cycle)
- Local audit and report (second year of each cycle)
- Certification diploma
- Certification plate per campus
- Advantageous conditions to access to FISU educational and training events in